You are here: Chapter 5. IFC Import-Export > IFC Export

IFC Export


When you have finished the technical project, your VVS and/or Electrical model can be exported to IFC. You select how much information you want to export, how many storeys, which IFC version etc.

DDS Property

The IFC default does not always cover all the information you want to share with the receiver of the IFC model. This could be information about pressure loss in a valve, voltage drop over a duct, or water quantity through a pipe. To share this information, select "Include object properties" in your export. Turn on this function from the menu File - > Export - > Export Attributes. Be aware that these object properties are not a part of the IFC default – this is additional information to the default IFC information that DDS-CAD is certified for.

Export Attributes. If this has been turned on, additional information will be included from the  IFC export. This function will also include additional information like attributes in a possible DWG export.


Export IFC from the menu File - > Export - > Export IFC-File.

Export  IFC-File.


The first that is displayed when you export IFC is the  DDS-CAD building dialog. This holds information about the project and lists all the created models. If you want to export all storeys, you will have to delete the models you do not want to include in the IFC export from the building dialog. If you want to export only the active storey, you can press OK without any further decisions.

The models you have created in the project and do not want in an IFC export must be indicated and deleted from the building dialog. The model will not be physically deleted from the project, only removed from the storey list before the IFC export.


Press OK in the building dialog and give the IFC file a name. Press Save, and you can select how much information you want to export.

Export Options.


- Export objects that do not belong to any profession- IFCProxy, see IFC import for explanation

- Perform save after export: DDS-CAD saves all the models that are exported. This will increase the export speed

- Export all storeys: All storeys registered in the building dialog are exported

- Export as 3D objects/2D objects/colour information: Sets how much geometrical information you want to export

- Export NS3420 information: Special property set relating to Norwegian standards.

- Keep the imported  IFC file as original: If you have imported an IFC model while working in the project and want to export this together with you technical installations, this option will export the architectural IFC model without changes. The technical installation will then be added to the architectural model. You are strongly recommended to have this turned on, unless you have made changes in the architectural basis (included a window, removed a wall, etc.). If you have designed the building yourself in the DDS-CAD Room database, this option is insignificant.

- Building: Export the building, either if it has been imported, or if you have designed it yourself with the DDS-CAD Room database

- Electrical/Ductwork/Pipework: Export the disciplines you want to include in the IFC file.

- Use IFC2x2 extruded circles for pipes: The function for export included in version 2x2. Generates pipes and ducts as extruded circles and will reduce the IFC model regarding MegaByte

- Ifc version: Use the latest version unless an earlier version is required.


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